Writing Family History — Whose Stories Will You Tell?

Writing Workshop, December 4, 10 am – 12 am, Fayetteville Public Library - Sign Up Here

So many people!

So many stories!

Where do you begin?

When family gathers, the “remember-when” stories begin to flow—some funny, some sad, and some that grow better by the telling. You want to save these stories.

You’ll learn how to structure and organize their stories, choose a workable time period, make each person’s life memorable, create the context of place, and have fun writing and sharing. Start your Family Story Collection.

Marilyn H. Collins is known for her hands-on, practical workshops. Her encouragement and positive attitude create a friendly class environment. The floor is open to questions throughout the session.

To register contact: Writing Family History - Fayetteville Public Library (faylib.org) (Events, Calendar, Next Month, December 4) or if you have questions, email Marilyn H. Collins, hswc1@cox.net. www.marilynhcollins.com